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Machine Vision Adapters for C and T-Mount Components

M22.5 x 0.5 to C-Mount Step-Up Adapter, #12-480

M22.5 x 0.5 to C-Mount Step-Up Adapter, #12-480

M22.5 x 0.5 to C-Mount Step-Up Adapter, #12-480 M27.0 x 0.5 to T-Mount Step-Up Adapter, #12-481
  • Integrate C and T-Mount Components into Imaging Systems
  • Compatible with M22.5 to M40.5 Machine Vision Threads
  • Step-Up Design Prevents Vignetting


Product Details

Machine Vision Adapters for C and T-Mount Components facilitate integration of various components into imaging systems. Polarizers, beamsplitters, or any other C or T-Mount component can be coupled to a standard machine vision thread via these adapters. Additionally, unmounted optical components including filters can be mounted in our C-Mount or T-Mount Circular Optic Mounts for easy integration. Compatible machine vision threads range from M22.5 to M40.5. The step-up design prevents vignetting.