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Optotune -2 to +3 Diopter, C-Mount to C-Mount Focus Tunable Lens | EL-16-40-TC-VIS-5D-C

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Specialty Lens
Model Number:
Response Time (ms):
5 (typical @ 30°C)
Settling Time (ms):
25 (typical @ 30°C)

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Dimensions (mm):
47.0 x 70.0
Thickness (mm):

Optical Properties

Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Low Dispersion Polymer
BBAR (420-950nm)
Wavelength Range (nm):
420 - 950
Abbe Number (vd):
Focus Range:
-2 to +3 diopter
-500 to +333mm
Index of Refraction (nd):
Transmitted Wavefront Error, RMS:
Vertical: 0.25λ @ 525nm
Horizontal: 0.50λ @ 525nm


Current (mA):
-250 to 250
Power Consumption (W):
0 - 0.7

Threading & Mounting

Mounting Threads:
C-Mount (Male)
C-Mount (Female)

Environmental & Durability Factors

Operating Temperature (°C):
-20 to +65

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

Optotune Focus Tunable Lenses 16mm Clear Aperture Hirose Connector eliminate the need for optomechanical subsystems otherwise required to alter the focal length of your imaging application. They feature large clear apertures and are offered in many popular machine vision mounting options, making them ideal for inspection and detection systems. These lenses offer continuous focusability from -2 to +3 diopters controlled by an industrial Hirose connection. Optotune Focus Tunable Lenses 16mm Clear Aperture Hirose Connector exhibit no autofluorescence, reducing unwanted light on the detector and feature integrated temperature sensing to provide open loop reproducibility typically within 0.1 diopters. The lenses are made of low dispersion polymer and feature a broadband anti-reflection coating.  

Note: Hirose cables, available in 1m length (#88-941), 3m length (#33-468) or 5m length (#23-852), and Lens Driver (#88-940) are required and sold separately. The Gardasoft TR-CL180 Industrial Lens Controller (#13-803) is an optional accessory that provides repeatable, precision control of Optotune Industrial Focus-Tunable Lenses. Prescription data is available to model the effect an offset lens has on overall focal range.

Technical Information